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In organic settings. Such studies might strengthen the understanding of chemical variables that influenced the magnitude of microbial sulfur isotope effects by means of geologic time.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank Dr. Gerrit Voordouw at the University of Calgary for supplying mutant strains, Qin Gui for constructing the hydrogenase mutants, and Eileen Molzberger and Jon Grabenstatter for the initial characterization of periplasmic hydrogenase mutants. This function was supported by funds from the NASA Astrobiology Institute (Min Sub Sim) and NSF (EAR-1159318: Shuhei Ono and Tanja Bosak), Agrouron Geobiology Fellowship (Min Sub Sim), National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (David T. Wang), and ENIGMA- Ecosystems and Networks Integrated with Genes and Molecular Assemblies, a Scientific Focus Region System at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, supported by the Office of Science at the US Division of Energy below Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (Judy D. Wall).Frontiers in Microbiology | Microbiological ChemistryJune 2013 | Volume four | Short article 171 |Sim et al.S-isotope fractionation by mutant SRB
bs_bs_bannerEnvironmental Microbiology (2013) 15(5), 1275doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02774.xThe metagenome from the marine anammox bacterium `Candidatus Scalindua profunda’ illustrates the versatility of this globally essential nitrogen cycle bacteriumemi_2774 1275..Jack van de Vossenberg,1 Dagmar Woebken,2 Wouter J. Maalcke,1 Hans J. C. T. Wessels,3 Bas E. Dutilh,4 Boran Kartal,1 Eva M. Janssen-Megens,five Guus Roeselers,1 Jia Yan,1 Daan Speth,1 Jolein Gloerich,six Wim Geerts,1 Erwin van der Biezen,1Wendy Pluk,6Kees-Jan Francoijs,five Lina Russ,1 Phyllis Lam,2 Stefanie A. Malfatti,7 Susannah Green Tringe,7 Suzanne C. M. Haaijer,1 Huub J. M. Op den Camp,1 Henk G. Stunnenberg,5 Rudi Amann,2 Marcel M. M. Kuypers2 and Mike S. M. Jetten1,8* 1 Department of Microbiology, IWWR, Radboud University Nijmegen, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, the Netherlands. two Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Celsiusstrasse 1, Bremen, Germany. 3 Nijmegen Centre for Mitochondrial Disorders, Nijmegen Proteomics Facility, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Genetic, Endocrine and Metabolic illness, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.Agarose Epigenetics four CMBI, Radboud University Nijmegen Healthcare Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.Anti-Mouse CD28 Antibody medchemexpress five Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.PMID:35345980 6 Nijmegen Proteomics Facility, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Genetic, Endocrine and Metabolic disease, Radboud University Nijmegen Health-related Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 7 DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, California, USA.Received 31 January, 2012; revised 11 April, 2012; accepted 12 April, 2012. *For correspondence. E-mail [email protected]; Tel. (+31) 24 365 2940; Fax (+31) 24 365 2830. Present addresses: Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands; TNO Meals Zeist, the Netherlands; �Department of Pathology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands; nalytical Development and Validation Department, MSD, Molenstraat 110, 5342 CC Oss, the Netherlands; Department of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria. Re-use of this short article is permitted in accordance together with the Terms and Situations set out at http://wileyonlinelibrary/ onlineopen#OnlineOpen_TermsDepartment of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technologies, Delft, the Netherlands. Summary An.

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