1.5 2.4.6 ,8.7 1.57.3 1.3.8 6.24.6 15.05.0 8.82.3 3.84.8 ,12.0 0.28.0 0.9.5 Low Low Middle High High High High High Middle HighLow Low Middle High High High High High Middle HighThis study [27] [39] [24] [40] [31] [30] [41] [42] [19]IF, THM4 THM95.403.3 97.010.0 79.013.0 74.720.9 80.304.2 86.30.0 87.003.0 93.09.0 0.000800.0010(IF:0.0050) 0.0050.075 0.050.30 0.057.32 0.018.049 0.7.9 1.05.5 2.3.5 9.23.1 12.06.0 6.3.4 Low Low Middle Middle Middle High High High HighLow Low Middle Middle Middle High High High HighThis study [28] [43] [44] [44] [44] [20] [45] [46]DLLME-GC-microECD THM4 HS-SPME-GC-mECD HFLPME-GC-ECD HS-GC-MS HS-SPME-PTV-GC-MS MLLE-PTV-GC-MS HS-LPME-GC-MS THM4 THM4 THM4 IF, THM4 THM4 THM0.0010.020(IF:0.0010) 1.03.0 0.018.060 0.42.78 5.6.4 8.01.LLE: Liquid-liquid extraction; SPE: Solid phase extraction; SPME: Solid phase micro-extraction; SDME: Single drop micro-extraction; DLLME: Dispersive liquid iquid microextraction; HFLPME :Hollow fiber liquid-phase micro-extraction; MLLE: Micro liquid iquid extraction; LPME: Liquid phase micro-extraction; PTV: A programmed temperature evaporizer inlet; HS: Headspace; IS-PCR-IC: A post-column reaction-ion chromatography analyzer (PCR-IC) with automated internal standardization (IS); PAEKI-CE-MS/MS: Pressure-assisted electrokinetic injection for on-line enrichment in capillary electrophoresis ass spectrometry; GC-ECD: Gas chromatography coupled with electron capture detector; GC-MS: Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry; LC-MS/MS: Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; HPLC-MS/MS: High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry; UPLC-MS/MS: Ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. THM4 include CF, BDCM, CDBM and BF; HAA5 include CAA, BAA, DCAA, DBAA and TCAA; HAA6 include CAA, BAA, DCAA, DBAA, TCAA and BCAA; HAA9 include CAA, BAA, DCAA, DBAA, TCAA, BCAA, BDCAA, CDBAA and TBAA.Berzosertib doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060858.tnegative impact of increasing volume of acidic methanol on derivatization efficiency may result from increasing the solubility of MTBE in the water phase, which leads to the loss of derivatives [25]. Higher concentration of Na2SO4 solution could also lead to crystallization and salt crystals may adsorb the derivatives [37]. Small volume of saturated NaHCO3 solution may give rise to smaller peak areas of DBAA and TXAA because the NaHCO3 solution cannot neutralize the H2SO4 completely and the residual acid catalyzes the hydrolysis of the haloacetates, especially trihalolacetates [38]. Considering the above factors, the optimized conditions were selected as: 1 mL of 15 acidic methanol, 8.Upadacitinib 5 mL of 129 g/L Na2SO4 solution and 1 mL of saturated NaHCO3 solution.PMID:23460641 Optimization of Extraction ConditionsThe volume of MTBE, dosage of Na2SO4, and extraction time affected the extraction efficiency of IAA and HAA9 as well as IF and THM4. MTBE and extraction time directly influenced the concentration of the extracts while anhydrous sodium sulfate promoted the transfer of the targets from the aqueous phase into the organic phase [27]. The volume of MTBE for IAA and HAA9 as well as IF and THM4 was studied using single factor with two or three-level statistical analysis while the amount of Na2SO4 and extraction time was explored by two-variable Doehlert design.Figure 7. Treatment processes of the drinking water treatment plant and sampling sites. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060858.gPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgDetecting IAA, I.
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